Home » Evaluation report, Implementing the Lower Limb Recommendations: significant improvements in patient outcomes

Evaluation report, Implementing the Lower Limb Recommendations: significant improvements in patient outcomes

Jul 16, 2024 | News, Other

We are excited to announce the publication of the evaluation report ‘Implementing the Lower Limb Recommendations and Learnings from the First Tranche Implementation Sites’, a significant component of the National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP).

This comprehensive evaluation highlights substantial improvements in patient outcomes and establishes a new national benchmark for best practices in wound care.

Key Findings:

Healing Rates: 52% of leg ulcers healed within 0-12 weeks, with an overall healing rate of 84% at 52 weeks for all lower limb wounds.

Recurrence Rates: The recurrence rate for leg ulceration was 14%, significantly lower than the implementation case assumption.

Cost-Effectiveness: A 27.6 benefit-cost ratio based on outcomes achieved, indicating strong value for money.

Environmental Impact: An estimated net zero impact from patients receiving optimal care with 473,305kg of CO2 emissions saved, equivalent to 277 cars driven in a year.

The success of this workstream demonstrates the incredible efforts of the NWCSP team and the pilot sites involved. These results offer a clear pathway for replicating success in other areas of wound care.

Executive Summary – Download

Full Report – Download

Summary Report – Download